Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Sit and Wait Phase :(

     So for the past few days, I've been bombarded with many questions about how the self-publishing journey is going and whether I wished I had published traditionally. Well to all those who want to know, "I Love Selp-publishing and NO, I do not wish I had a traditional publisher."
     I love the fact that I can claim that 'I did it on my own', I am that type of person. However, I have had TONS of help from my editors, illustrators and designers. Professional editing is a MUST for me, if you can't tell already. Ha! But, seriously, I enjoy the process of learning what it takes to make a successful author. Knowing if people would enjoy my work and appreciate how open I am and how hard I work, makes the journey worth taking.
     Another thing I encountered was many who asked: Why would you do a book trailer? It's not a movie., it is not a movie. But, it is a way for authors to reach out to those who normally wouldn't pick up a novel to save their lives and who like watching tv/videos instead. I've received many who said just that to me and where glad they came across my book trailer on YouTube.
Here it is btw:
     Now, just to catch everyone up on the last week or so, I was supposed to release my novel Michael Hanson and the Desolate Woods this month: December 2014, but, a minor setback has taken place and it is called: Interior book designs! Ugh, frustrations! But, the good thing is that my book will be all the better for it. I try not to rush and just have to accept that it takes time to attempt perfection. So...I will not give a specific date, no longer. I will just say that sometime in January, my novel will be on the shelves.
Wooohooo, way to start of 2015!!!

Also, I am trying a new thing: reviewing other authors in the fiction genre. I love to read, as much as I love to write.  So, if you have a novel that you would like me to read and blog about, please shoot me an email:

My favorite novels to read in the fiction genre are: fantasy, romance, YA, suspense and mystery. It normally takes me 3-5 days to read and write a review, so don't hesitate, send me your novel!

If you have any questions, please email me.

E.L. Ervin

"Don't wait around for time to make you old, do everything you want with a fervor of love and adventure, while you're still young."- E.L. Ervin

1 comment:

  1. Well done on going the Self Publisher route - it works for me! My first two books were with actual publishers but problems arose with the lack of royalty statements and not knowing how many copies were sold of my books. One of the publishers brought out a ebook version without my permission and kept all royalties. I managed to terminate my contracts on the grounds of their 'contract breach' but other authors I knew took a group action and sued them in the courts and won! Since going the self published route with my 3rd book and re-issuing the other two books, I have not looked back. I'm in control, sees the sales happening and been paid exact royalties on time!

    When my new book is released - I do have you in mind for a book review as its a satire on the romance game with a mystery thrown in (my editor's instructions to applease my usual Crime Thriller audience) so it'll be a different read for you!
